morning babble / Saturday 09-11-21
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes it gets tidied up, but sometimes . . . not so much. When all else fails – go watch the video!
Forgive me – I’m a little all over the place today in my head. I did run. #254. Did it on the mill. It’s a beautiful day outside, but my allergies are just getting used to all this ragweed and I was up throughout the night. Why my wife tolerates that . . . well, when she’s asleep, she’s asleep. Ragweed goes away (for the most part) with the first frost – bring it on.
It’s 9/11 and we all know about what happened 20 years ago. Never forget – very true. Don’t ever forget, but sometimes reliving all the sad – I’m not so sure – at least for myself. We all deal with loss in different ways. So, today’s a day I listen a lot. If you want to talk about it, I’m here. I don’t really want to tell my story about where I was during that point of time – because it was rather insignificant to where some people were that day whose lives were lost or with people who directly lost their husbands, wives, children, or best of friends that day. Don’t ever forget.
Today is also my sister-in-law’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Danielle. I love you and I hope you have a wonderful special day. Make sure Keith gives you an extra long “why is he still squeezing me” hug from me. Happy Birthday to anyone else who’s day is today. Happy Anniversary to anyone who was married on this day. It’s still your day. Enjoy the now!
And then lastly – today has been looked forward to in this household because we are getting a pet bird. My son is. He saved for it. It’s no parakeet. It’s a Jenday Conure. Hatched back in July. No name yet. I’m thinking Byrd . . . with a “y”. I had a morning guy named “Byrd”. Hopefully by tomorrow, we’ll have an official name though. I got a recent picture of “Byrd”:

Typically, I answer questions today and I was going to break down my morning routine. I felt that should just be held off for now until next week.
IMPORTANT – Reminder: I’m doing the 5K run for the St. Jude Walk/Run in Philadelphia on Saturday, September 25th. I’ve joined the team – XTU to the Maxx – which is with Charlie Maxx who you can hear middays on 92.5 XTU. To donate, please click here – anything you can do will be greatly appreciated for this great cause. “St. Jude won’t stop until no child dies from cancer”
Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!
“If you change your mindset, you have the ability to change your whole world” – credited to Damien Thomas