morning babble / Monday 01-10-22
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: go watch the video!
356 days until EXIT PLAN
First weigh in of the year – not so bad
First run of the year – feeling good / Missed my socks and dressing right away
First 3 Day Fast of the year – begins tonight after dinner
David Chang – Eat A Peach / Winners: Cecil & Marco
I’d like to hear from you though. Reach out and let me know what you got going on / working on / your goals.
Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!
“Never assume you’ve got enough time – you haven’t.” – by Tom Bilyeu
RIP – Bob Saget / Another one gone too soon