Clean House! / I said what on Jan 2nd? / It’s Goal Setting Monday / Quote via Mary Anne Radmacher

morning babble / Monday 04-11-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

So, we had some family over yesterday and you know what that means – we have to clean the house and act like this is how we always live – hahahaha. I love it when people visit – seeing the peeps is good. Getting the super clean house though – even better.

265 days until EXIT PLAN


3 Day Fast begins tonight!

Reviewed some of the random goals that I wrote on January 2nd:

  1. Finish writing my book! Confessions of a Workaholic
  2. More readings of my shorts – I call them each: Droplet of Life / Go read “Empire”
  3. Weekly Newsletter beginning in March
  4. Guitar Lessons with my daughter
  5. Monthly 3-Day Fasts – yup, I’m doing it again
  6. Create my own Journal
  7. Put together a charity called “Hold my Doll” to help fight for gender equality
  8. Podcast?
  9. Outside weekend adventures with the family – biking, walking, whatevers. Get outside!
  10. Breathe and just keep moving it all forward. All while – “Enjoying the Now”

Week ahead –

I set my 5 goals for the week too. I keep that in my Field Notes Journal.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” – by Mary Anne Radmacher

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