morning babble / Thursday 11-17-22
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!
I wrote, but not good. The past couple nights I’ve been sitting in the library, Christmas tree lights on, and The Real Holiday Jazz channel on Sirius. I need to get back into other routine of sitting the office desk, candle on, and my two song playlist playing.
The Stairs / Kiss the Dirt
45 days until EXIT PLAN
Bird has FOMO. If you visit us – yes, we have a bird out. “Which Bird Brent” Look a gutter.
I have FOMO still with my emails. I think I’m going to have to put a timer and simply plow through my emails.
Obnoxious numbers again
All these newsletter emails
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“You must believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy” – by Leo Tolstoy via A Calendar of Wisdom