Missed Music Monday – 07-29-24

morning babble / Monday 07-29-24


This is the scribble that leads to the babble.

Sometimes, it gets tidied up; other times, not so much.

When all else fails: there’s video!

(“Hard Working Man” cut)

From 2022, that’s “Hard Working Man” off the Marcus King album – Young Blood. Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach produced it, so I was all over it. Somehow though, I totally missed the most recent album of Marcus King.

(Missed Music Monday opener)

I actually have two saved albums on Spotify of Marcus King, but when his Mood Swings album came out this past May – not on my radar.

(“Delilah” cut)

Sort of sounds like Cee-Lo / I know – neither one looks like one another

(“Hero” cut)

Nevertheless, if you want some bluesy rock sounding music with rich guitar. Any album from Marcus King is going to get that for you.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

Tune in tomorrow for: Quote of the Day!

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