Missed Music Monday – 09-02-24

morning babble / Monday 09-02-24


This is the scribble that leads to the babble.

Sometimes, it gets tidied up; other times, not so much.

When all else fails: there’s video!

Happy Labor Day! Let’s go see what I missed on Friday.

(Missed Music Monday opener)

renforshort did a cover of the Gorillaz song “Feel Good Inc”


I missed that one which was done all the way back in 2020. Hence, it’s not surprising that I missed this new one from a couple Fridays ago called “buried alive, again”


renforshort teamed up with wrabel for that song – it’s a pretty song. I don’t say that much. Go enjoy some bar-b-que today!

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

Tune in tomorrow for: Quote of the Day!

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