This scribble needs to be worked on still . . . I’ll do that soon. OFF TO WORK!
Today is going to be a good day. I would even venture to say – a Great Day! I know it’s – Friday Eve, but today, my parents are getting their 1st vaccine shot. I am so excited for them. My dad is 81 and mom is 78. They needed it. Thank you to my little sister for finding out about a website and instructing my mom to go there. As of today, if you qualify for a shot, you do have to play that game. But – keep playing it. It’s important. I miss hugging my parents . . . and I’ve missed out on a lot of those hugs this past year.
Tomorrow – I leave. Well, I will be here in the morning.
“There is more freedom to be gained from practicing poverty than chasing wealth. Suffer a little regularly and you often cease to suffer.” – Tim Ferriss