morning babble / Thursday 11-11-21
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes it gets tidied up, but sometimes . . . not so much. When all else fails – go watch the video!
Really did burn my tongue yesterday. Tip to keep your coffee, tea, or MUD\WTR hot throughout the day in your travel mug. Heat up your travel mugs first.
It’s 11:11 all day – make a wish all day!
Happy Veterans Day
I ran #315
My wife was in class last night, so I had to make the kids dinner. Chicken nuggets and Mac & Cheese are my specialty with them. I made it. The ice cream scooping. you know how you get a little on your finger and just want to lick it off. Couldn’t do that.
Paul Rudd – sexiest man of the year – he’s 52. He looks the same! He was in Clueless back in 95 (he was 26 then).
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“There are two medicines for all ills: time and silence.” – by Alexandre Dumas