Happy Turkey Day / I saved Thanksgiving? / The Elf is coming

morning babble / Thursday 11-25-21

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes it gets tidied up, but sometimes . . . not so much. When all else fails – go watch the video!

Happy Turkey Day! AND the only Thursday that we don’t call “Friday Eve” because it’s THANKSGIVING! Gobble, Gobble!

Thanksgiving is TODAY. One person – “We already had it last Saturday”. Another person was flabbergasted that we scheduled her service on Wednesday (yesterday), because it was “Thanksgiving”. What? Yeah – she then went on to explain that they have Thanksgiving every year on the Wednesday before Turkey Day at 12noon. I moved the service and she proclaimed that I saved Thanksgiving. I was glad to be of help.

Every Thanksgiving morning, we enjoy watching the Macy’s Day Parade as Tom the Turkey leads the way before all the balloons and entertainers.

Also, with this holiday, the Elf is coming tonight. He’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

I ran on the mill early – #329 of 5K every day!

Muddy November continues on – no liquid from the coffee bean.

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Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings” – by William Arthur Ward

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