morning babble / Monday 02-27-23
This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!
So, it’s baseball season and I’m excited for the Phillies again this year. (clip) But – it’s also baseball season for my son. We went to the field yesterday. And I can feel it today. I actually have an appointment today for a consultation about my shoulder. I also have an eye doctor’s appointment. Tuning myself up!
One month away from being 50! Less than a week away from my wife turning 40! March is a big “age fulfilling” month for the two of us. Are we going to do something special? (clip) We’re working on something (clip) I just don’t want to jinx anything yet until all of our ducks are in a row.
Where did that comment come from? “Ducks in a row” comes from ship building. A duck is a device that holds the keel in place while building a ship. The first step in building a ship is to get the ducks in straight row thus ensuring a straight keel. Today, they use lasers to ensure the ducks are in a straight row. The phrase goes back to wooden sailing ships.
Accomplishments –
I wrote for 10 hours this past week
Week ahead –
Finish that 1st Draft of the Book!!
Ooooo – here’s a question . . . when you receive birthday presents early do you open them?
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“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – by Theodore Roosevelt