morning babble / Friday 4-16-21

“Drowned In The Sun” was created by AI through a project called Lost Tapes of the 27 Club. This project has already compiled the music of Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, and The Doors, push it through a computer, and popped out a “new” song. “Drowned in the Sun” is by Nirvana . . . or created by Nirvana songs. You’ll hear Kurt’s voice. You’ll hear hints of different Nirvana albums. But – I’m not sure that I’m really a fan. Click here to listen.

Tonight, I’m going to see Weezer somewhere in my house. It’s a Virtual Show and we’ll hear their newest album, OK Human . . . which has no guitars. There’s a Q & A afterwards, I don’t know if we’ll be called on, but I have to prepare a good question. Probably not a good idea to ask “hey – where are the guitars?” BUT – they are coming out with highly anticipated album, Van Weezer on May 7th – which has now been dedicated to Eddie Van Halen. THAT’S an album that will have some guitars.

New Music Friday:

  • Vince Staples hasn’t had anything since 2018 but apparently coming out with two albums later this year. Just an FYI
  • I don’t really talk about country music too much, but I am a Phillies fan, which means I am a Tug McGraw fan, which means I see that the Tugger’s kid has a new album! Don’t worry – I know who Tim McGraw is and, yes, he has a new album out today. Back during my radio days, my sister station (WXTU) had their Philly Chili Cook-off and he was the headliner. One of his requests was to have a basketball court (half court) that he could shoot some hoops prior to performing on stage. AND – he did utilize the court – cowboy hat and boots on, too.
  • The whole album – The Battle at Garden’s Gate – by Greta Van Fleet is out. They’re the young lads that have the distinct Classic Rock sound – so much like Led Zeppelin.
  • The Black Keys released the single “The Crawling Kingsnake” from their new upcoming album Delta Kream. Due out May 14th. All Blues Covers.
  • Spotify pulled for me “Keep it Poppin” by KingBeat. Initially, I didn’t know why, but then I heard Ludacris join in. Song made me blush. Use headphones – that’s my tip.

“Wake up, live your life and sing the melody of your soul.” – by Amit Ray

morning babble / Thursday 4-15-21

I struggle on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday with tidying up my scribble. You should know the routine by now. This is the scribble that helps me babble.

The 15th of April – normally Tax Day, but that’s May 17th this year – half way through the month and yes, my April Alcohol Drought is still on! I’ve been a good Brent. After Terrible Tuesday, I’m surprised I didn’t grab a beverage. Anyway, I’ve been good.

Sleep numbers – Avg Deep sleep appears to be better but only by 10 to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, REM is lower by 20 minutes. More “light” sleep is happening. I know last Friday after my fast, I was feeling amazing. Then, Saturday came and I got my Covid shot. I’m doing okay still. No real issues, but was obviously not feeling amazing.

I’ve also been good at being patient. When are they going to create the group text, but have it a blind group text? Coaches have been great communicators. Sends out a group message. There is no need to respond. Blowing up my phone.

“If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining.” – by Marcus Aurelius

morning babble / Wednesday 4-14-21

This is the scribble for my babble . . . tidying up still needs to happen and I really want to provide some links . . . soon! Gotta get to work!!!

Welcome to Not Tuesday. It’s Wednesday. Hump Day. Middle of the week. Closer to the next weekend than last weekend. But – not Tuesday. Taco Tuesdays.

Too many email subscriptions. Yesterday, I took a quote from a recent James Clear newsletter. His is weekly and I always seem to find something in there. Tim Ferriss always has a Friday email called 5 Bullet Friday. Seth Godin is daily. Ryan Holiday’s Daily Dad – daily. Mark Manson – every Monday. That Sunday product email – RECOMENDO. MUD\WTR.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” – by Jonathan Swift

morning babble / Tuesday 4-13-21

This is the scribble for my babble . . . tidying up still needs to happen.

Cheap morning routine hack – untie your shoes the night before. I’m like anyone else and when I’m done running or done work for the day, I slip off the shoes – all tied up. Nothing slows me down more though in the morning than untying these lazy reminders from the day before. Now, I’m not saying to untie your shoes and then remove them every time, because that just won’t happen. BUT – make it a part of your nighttime routine when you’re picking out what you’re going to wear. Untie those shoes.

Speaking of shoes, I got new a pair. 500 miles! I just wanted an indoor and outdoor pair.

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 21

“Your life is purchased by where you spend your attention.” – by James Clear.

Go sign up for the James Clear newsletter by clicking here

morning babble / Monday 4-12-21

It’s Monday and I wish today was my sleep in day. However, I’ve got my MUD\WTR and am ready to go. The other day, I said that I had coffee, but when I’m home like this I do try to slow the coffee intake with MUD\WTR.

Coffee addiction explained – I’m much better now.

Starbucks tip – order a cup of dark roast after 3pm when they don’t brew it anymore. You’ll get it down as a pour over and they do it so well. I still do this every once in awhile.

Reminder – Eat the Frog! Finish the tough job first today!

Enjoy the now!!

“The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.” – by Xunzi as he discussed the importance of focus

morning babble / Sunday 4-11-21

I slept in. Felt good. So, this is 101 of Morning Babbles. The 101st 5k run of the year is coming up on the treadmill. I did get my Covid shot yesterday, too. Feeling good there, too. It was the JNJ one, so I’m done. Immediately, I reached out to my parents and told them that I can hug them in 3 weeks. I can’t wait.

Books – Let’s talk about journaling

  • Another popular journal is by Julia Cameron: The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal. I know that Tim Ferriss, Chase Jarvis, and many others use it continuously. This is when you start the day with a blank page and simply write whatever comes to mind. I’ve heard it referred to as a brain dump – whether it’s one page or many more – just write it all out. I have to admit that I have not tried this one yet. Mainly because I feel that I enjoy a journal with a prompt, but it is extremely popular, so I really do need to give a whirl sometime soon.
  • The Daily Stoic Journal is by far my most favorite one. I tried this one for the first time in 2018 and went back to it again for this year. It can be used along side The Daily Stoic, but it’s certainly not a necessity. I find myself writing in a different way with this journal. The depths that are reached within me are truly felt with what I spill out onto the pages. There’s a prompt that you write to in the morning & evening, and I look forward to it each and every time I sit down in our house library.
  • Finally, another favorite of mine is the simple One Line A Day journal. This is where I write down such things as “I got my Covid shot. Elliott’s opening day baseball game was played. And – we had a campfire last night with S’mores!” I enjoy looking back at the happy moment as well as the sad ones that I experienced on that very same day one year ago, two years ago, etc. I’m on year number 4 and have loved the experience more & more with each year I write in it.

“If you want to learn, if you want to improve your life, seeking out teachers, philsophers, and great books is a good start. But this approach will only be effective if you’re humble and ready to let go of opinions you already have.” – by Ryan Holiday via The Daily Stoic, p113

morning babble / Saturday 4-10-21

Couple things from yesterday’s vlog:

  1. Yes. I have used the coffee cake joke before about breakfast. AND – I will probably use it again. BUT – today, I have a cookie and officially deem it coffee cookie.
  2. The number 99 was mentioned yesterday. I then said that the one song you think of when you hear 99 is . . . and I played “99 Balloons” by Goldfinger. Initially, I heard that I should have played the original one from the 80s. But then, my wife pointed out that she didn’t think of this balloon song at all, but instead, Jay-Z’s song 99 problems. I was then called old . . . and I am.

Some sad news in the music world yesterday, we lost DMX – just a young man out of Baltimore. Things didn’t look good all week, but he was only 50 and still had so much more to give. You just . . . hoped something could happen.

This sadly makes me think back 6 months ago on this date when we lost my brother-in-law, Barry. I’m thinking about you big sis and my niece, Melissa. Keep playing Genesis with “It’s Gonna Get Better” because it will.

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – Are you back on Facebook yet? No
  • Questions #3 – When’s your next fast? Next month – looking at 5/4 to 5/6

Today is my 100th run and vlog. I was going to do something big, but then thought about it. I’m not even a 1/3 of the way to my goal. It’s close, but not yet. So, keeping it low key, because I’m in it for the long haul and hoping to motivate and make you all smile a little more along the way.

“Put your faith in what you most believe in.” – by Phil Collins

morning babble / Friday 4-9-21

My 3 Day Fast ended yesterday officially at 6:48pm! I could have started at actually eating 5:15pm, but at 10am – the fog cleared out and I was all good the rest of the way. Dinner was pasta, sauce, and hot sausage. And – water, of course, since the April Alcohol Drought continues on. For dessert, I was supposed to have ice cream with my wife, but she crashed. So, I had a cookie and a whole lot of jelly beans. The black licorice jelly beans have been eliminated from this household, so that temptation is now gone.

I ran, I vlogged – final double digit day! 99!

New Music Friday:

  • Record Store Day (June 12th & July 17th) has announced the first of its 2021 RSD Drops: Lady Gaga’s Chromatica on exclusive yellow vinyl; Rage Against the Machine with The Battle of Mexico City, which is a live album that was released last year for download; and AWOLNATION with Angel Miners & the Lighting Riders LIVE on vinyl.
  • Fearless (Taylor’s Version) is out by Miss Taylor Swift – the rerecording of her 2008 album.
  • On July 30th, we get new Prince – a whole unreleased album that was recorded back in 2010. 12 tracks and it’s called Welcome 2 America
  • The song “Madelyn” is out from Anderson East. First taste of his upcoming album, due out August 20th -it’s called Maybe We Never Die.
  • Other new stuff: “Spinning Circles” from Ayron Jones – love that guitar / Rostam dropping a 4 song EP – he was one of the founding members of Vampire Weekend / Finally, Twenty One Pilots have released a new song, “Shy Away,” from their upcoming sixth studio album, Scaled and Icy, out May 21st

“Music is the universal language of mankind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

morning babble / Thursday 4-08-21

This is the scribble that I write for my babble . . . clean up is still needed.

Today was a tough one. I didn’t think that I was going to make it through the run.

Yesterday, the music pulled me through, but today I enjoyed Dax Shepard interviewing Walter Isaacson, who wrote one of my favorite books – Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

3rd day of the 3 day fast.

98th 5k run / 98th vlog

Too much coffee? Watch that video to see how much I used to bring with me to work!

By the way, my April Alcohol Drought is obviously still going on. 7 days of no fun beverage.

“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being, and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” – by Søren Kierkegaard

morning babble / Wednesday 4-07-21

This is the scribble for my babble before I clean it up – coming soon!

I had to bail on the podcast listening today. It wasn’t a favorite one, so I switched it up to my running playlist. Joe Rogan considers that cheating. I always ran with shoes and socks on.

Oh, by the way, one of my tips yesterday, I mentioned about going to brush your teeth or “take some mouthwash” I am not encouraging drinking Scope.

2nd day of the 3 Day Fast – Sunflower Seeds, can you?

Jocko Willick apparently eats sunflower seeds during his fast.

I looked it up – googled “Can you eat sunflower seeds during a fast”

Some responses: What part of fast don’t you understand? // Don’t Eat // If you’re eating, you aren’t fasting.

So, no – don’t eat sunflower seeds during a fast. Now, if Jocko walked in and said, what are you questioning? I’d probably pop a couple into my mouth and not say a word.

I ran, I vlogged – 97

“Real change will come when it is brought about, not by your ego, but by reality.” – by Anthony de Mello via the Twitter account of Ryan Holiday