morning babble / Monday 4-05-21

This was one of those tough mornings. Didn’t feel like getting things going today. For the music, as always, I turned to the Morning Babble wake-up playlist – recently, I have added a couple other songs. Always changing.

I also picked up my copy of The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It’s always on my desk for these types of mornings and to help me push through it . . . the resistance. I read from page 13: “Resistance is Universal: We’re wrong if we think we’re the only ones struggling with Resistance. Everyone who has a body experiences Resistance.”

There is so much candy in this house now. Anymore, I believe more candy is brought in from the Easter holiday than Halloween. And tonight – I begin the 3 day fast – 72 hours. There will be so much temptation that I’ll be walking by. I think I’ll just go on a long drive until Thursday.

April Alcohol Drought is still underway – turned down numerous beverages yesterday.

95 days of running / 95 vlogs

“There is no shortcut. There is no hack. There’s only one way. So, get after it.” – by Jocko Willink (I took it from the back of his book, Discipline Equals Freedom)

morning babble / Sunday 4-04-21

Happy Sunday to some of you and Happy Bunny Day to others – whatever your choice.

The rabbit did visit this house, so plastic eggs are everywhere. He did leave original jelly beans . . . the kind that I stole from the candy dish on the way to the bathroom at my Nana & Pop’s house growing up. What flavor is Purple?

Oh and today’s breakfast – Peeps Cereal!

Egg Boxing as explained by Dr. Peter Attia. Not the hard boiled battles though – Click here!

94th vlog of Morning Babble! 94th run – will be outside after I post this.

Typically, I talk about books today, but I’ll save my Deep Dive into this book – Being Mortal – for next week.

Heard this on a podcast – I believe it was The Tim Ferriss Podcast: Hugh Jackman reads right after he wakes up (early) in the morning. He explained:  “I read a book with my wife. So we get up and we read to each other for half an hour. It’s the best. I recommend it to anyone…It’s the greatest way to start the day. Right now I’m reading Stillness Is the Key, by Ryan Holiday… I’m really into philosophy. So we read, and we talk, because stuff’s on your mind. You don’t realize how much has been on your mind overnight, and it comes out in the morning. That way, no matter what happens through our day, we know that we’ve had quality time together. You always think, tonight; after work; after this; when we put the kids to bed, but that doesn’t always happen.”

“”Dive in when you hear the cry for help. Reach out when you see the need. Do Kindness where you can.” – Ryan Holiday via Stillness is the Key (page 252)

morning babble / Saturday 4-03-21

3 Day Fast is coming Monday AFTER dinner – just a reminder, if anyone would like to join me on the fasting “fun.”

April Alcohol Drought still underway – only into day #3 / 2 days completed. I won’t lie. I’ve already peeked ahead and see that May 1st is a Saturday . . . and I’m pleased by that.

Tombstone – one of my favorite movies of all time. From 1993, with Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday. I tell story in video – go watchy-watch.

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – Are you running in any races or marathons this year? Nothing planned . . . yet. I know that there are some virtual ones, but . . . do you think by the Fall – something real? Dave Magee – I’m calling on you for some help. – let’s get something set for the Fall.
  • Question #2 – Question from Beth – she passed along her own blue card – “Just how many hours are in your day?” Well . . . not enough really. But, my family still likes me, so that’s a good thing. I am anxious to see how my sleep changes this month with the April Alcohol Drought. See if my REM goes up as well as sleeping through the night.

If you have a question, send it in wherever you can find me OR simple email works:

“The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. It’s the same thing, fear, but it’s what you do with it that matters.” – by “Cus” D’Amato was an American boxing manager and trainer who handled the careers of Mike Tyson

morning babble / Friday 4-02-21

I ran, I vlogged – 92 in a row! / April Alcohol Drought is underway – already experienced a benefit. Typically, on my Thursday drive home, I grab a 4 pack of beverage to try out for the weekend. I didn’t do that. Saved some money.

Watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier tonight with Pizza, Wings, and . . . water.

Last week, I told you no Coachello this year. But – The Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival has posted its lineup, scheduled to run September 2-5th. Foo Fighters and Megan Thee Stallion on Friday, Lizzo and Tame Impala on Saturday, and Tyler, The Creator and Lana Del Rey on Sunday.

New Music Friday:

  • Rewind to last Friday – that new AJR album that came out – OK Orchestra – still loving it. By the way, for all you newbies to AJR – it’s three brothers, Adam, Jack, and Ryan.
  • Also, another album that came out last week that I got to dig into some more was from singer and rapper Noga Erez. KIDS is the album. I let this one flip over a couple times, too.
  • 2Cellos came out with another song. First – who are 2Cellos? They are 2 guys from Croatia who each play the cello AND they redo famous rock and pop songs. The current one – Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer.” Past ones? White Stripe’s “Seven Army Nation”, AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck”, and way more.
  • 1st song on the Spotify playlist – New Music Friday – is “deja vu” by Olivia Rodrigo. I really liked that one. It’s definitely not something that I would have gone for, but truly enjoyed.
  • Mat Kearney came out with a 5 song album – the one song that I heard was “Anywhere With You.” He has a sound like the bare foot dude (Jack Johnson), or Ben Rector, or maybe even Chris Martin. I enjoy him as a chill sound in the house library, too.
  • Violent Femmes have announced a new vinyl reissue of their greatest hits compilation Add It Up (1981-1993), marking the first time it’s been available in the format since its initial pressing in 1993. The vinyl reissue is out May 21. FYI – they are celebrating 40 years as a band this year!
  • Something new for me – The Fratellis – their whole album dropped today. Now, I think I’ve already heard like half of the songs on this album, but I was happy to get the other half. The album is called Half Drunk Under a Full Moon

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” ― Bob Marley

morning babble / Thursday 4-01-21

This is the scribble that I go off of for the babble . . . clean up coming.

#1 – No April Fools joke from me – I don’t want to jinx myself.

I ran, I vlogged. 91 in a row for the year!

And so it begins . . . April’s Alcohol Drought is underway! My last beverage was the Tempest by Cushwa Brewing Co. It was delicious. I enjoyed some Beck, too. His Morning Phase album, so it was very chill. Oh, the app I use is Less. Tracks how many beverages I’ve had. I’ve been doing this since February of last year. I’m telling you, I wanted to do this April Drought a year ago . . . then Covid hit and it was off to the liquor store.

Opening Day
Amazon Book / Apartment at the Vet / Discover The Secret Room At Vet Stadium: Veterans Stadium

Enjoy your Friday Eve!

“Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!”
― Babe Ruth

morning babble / Wednesday 3-31-21

I ran, I vlogged – tally = 90 / 5k every day for this year – that’s the goal

Moqueca (it’s a Brazilian Seafood Stew) – we made it! AND – it was very good. HOWEVER – I wanted some more spiciness to it. BUT – when you have kids . . . you can’t go all out there. Enjoyed a shot of tequila to kick off the night. Suggestion of my wife. Wrapping up March with a bang here.

After tonight, my April Alcohol Drought begins for the entire month. People have reached out and wondered – what drink or what beer will be the last one? I believe it will be Tempest by the Cushwa Brewing Company. Good dessert beverage (marshmallow taste) with a nice kick (triple IPA). I believe that I’ll be enjoying that tonight in our house library.

Speaking of marshmallow, the new cola from Pepsi is called “Pepsi x Peeps.” Mixes Pepsi and everyone’s favorite Easter treat – Peeps. To get your hands on the limited-edition flavor, participants must enter Pepsi’s #HangingWithMyPEEPS contest. To win, Pepsi fans must use that hashtag, as well as #PepsiSweepstakes, and tag Pepsi on Instagram and Twitter showing how they celebrate spring. Pepsi will give away 3,000 packages. Ends at midnight tonight (3/31)

My better idea for the usage of a Peep is replacing the marshmallow in the s’more with this chicky wonder (or rabbit or whatever shape your Peep is). Delicious! The extra crunchy crystals make that s’more even better – you’re welcome!

“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins” – by Neale Donald Walsch

morning babble / Tuesday 3-30-21

blah, blah, blah – this is my scribble for the babble before I clean it up – off to work!

I ran / I vlogged / Tally is at 89!

I’ve been looking for a new soap, because I’m tired of the liquid body wash. Numerous ones have been tried. Some barely made it through a shower and went directly into the trash. One of the big ones (Dr. Squatch), I tried a couple: Grapefruit IPA and some Whiskey one. Yes, still talking soap here. They do some really good marketing, awesome website, and all kinds of flavors to try. BUT – I just didn’t like the soap all that much. Bubbles weren’t really there enough for me and I felt sort of dry at the end. They’ll be fine without my support.

The initial winner was Bourbon soap by Soap Distillery. I was ready to order it when this one then arrived: The Man Slab by Happy Nuts. It won. The name of the company hooked me, but it really does have a great sniff to it and very nice bubbles. The winner! Visit their website here.

“The music’s playing, the notes are right. Put your left foot first and move into the light. The edge of this hill is the edge of the world. Let the dance begin.” – by Genesis via “Dance on the Volcano” of A Trick of the Tail

morning babble / Monday 3-29-21

Donald (the duck) is mad on a Monday (got to see the video to understand the visual). Brent was mad on a Sunday. Every 2 years, it seems that I need to get a new iPhone. My video just wouldn’t upload yesterday. It took me two hours. I really don’t know what I would have done if it was any of these upcoming days where I had to get on the road for work.

Some good news! I got my The Boys Omnibus Volume Three via Amazon. Ordered it Sunday morning and it arrived Sunday night. That stuff still amazes me.

Speaking of Amazon, Moqueca. What? We were supposed to make that (Moqueca) yesterday, but unfortunately we couldn’t find some of the key ingredients at the grocery store or farmer’s market. So, we made the turn to Amazon and the needed ingredients will be here in time for my Meal Challenge on Tuesday night. Moqueca – I keep practicing saying it.

Well looky there, we’re getting closer to April, aren’t we. Thursday officially begins the month long drought on alcohol – April Drought 2021. I am excited to do it. I have to admit thought that I have been enjoying myself with some extra beverage these past several days. My body could probably use this break.

I ran, I vlogged. Both at 88. My countdown was created by Molly Alexandra. Go check out her stuff here and/or here.

“We buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like.” – I read about it today in the Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and he quotes Fight Club, which it is known for. However, the quote belongs to Mr. Dave Ramsey.

morning babble / Sunday 3-28-21

Feeling my 48 years. Thank you again for all the birthday wishes from everywhere – that was awesome. One quick story from my day. We ordered take-out from Del Pez in Wilmington. Got a wonderful dinner for our family of 4 along with a couple Margaritas. I ran in for the pick-up. Guess what? I got carded. I know, so maybe my hat was on backwards and, of course, I had a mask on, but the 3 ladies there were shocked. I didn’t flash my baldy or face, so they can just keep on envisioning the young glory that might be hidden underneath.


  • Leadership book from Goodwin . . . I’m behind. Got to dig back in.
  • Finally, once the Being Mortal book is wrapped. It’s Seth Godin’s This Is Marketing

““And reading, I hold, is indispensable…Reading nourishes the mind and refreshes it when it is wearied.” — Seneca

morning babble / Saturday 3-27-21

Started my day with the Morning Babble Wake-Up Playlist. Enjoyed “Six Days in June” by The Fratellis (always first). It then went into “Bang!” by AJR, which then reminded me of yesterday. I listened to that new AJR album like 5 or 6 times. No joke. I was way into that. If you enjoy that type of music – go for it and enjoy!

One year ago today, I received this from my daughter for my birthday:

Violet Artwork – “Robot Giraffe in a Pot” – of course it is!

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – what’s your next challenge after skipping alcohol for the month of April? Can’t we get through April first? I do have ideas though, but nothing for May – just running and vlogging and hopefully celebrating in May.
  • Question #2 – how are you going to celebrate your 100th vlog? Well, it won’t be doing shot of alcohol since that day lands in April. I don’t know yet. But – wow – 100 coming soon!
  • Questions #3 – is it really your birthday? Yes. It had to happen sooner or later. I’m 48!

“Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson.”
— Alan Cohen