morning babble / Tuesday 3-2-21

So, my Thunderstruck song went off yesterday and I didn’t stop working. I kept pushing. AND – I became grumpy Brent. It’s sort of a special week though. I just can’t really get behind because of the upcoming weekend away.

I’m big with trigger songs:

Back in high school with baseball, I’d hum “Guns in the Sky” to myself at the plate. Yeah, by INXS. Don’t laugh Michael Hutchence can be tough. Alright, sexy tough?

Anyway – for running, I have my “Angry Run” Playlist. These include Linkin Park, Godsmack, but the one song that gets me every time – “Legend Has It” by Run the Jewels

Now, it’s not all angry or getting psyched up moments that I need. At night in our house library, I love playing certain vinyl – the whole ritual of putting the record onto the turntable – almost like the ritual of brewing a cup of coffee. Currently, my favorite go to chill album has been the latest one from The Raconteurs with Help Us Stranger. Sometimes though, I turn to Beck’s Morning Phase

“Comparison is the thief of joy” – Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt

morning babble / Monday 3-1-21

Hello March – do you believe that “In like a lion, out like a lamb?” I’m cheering it on because I’m so ready to get outside. Hoping by the end of this long month

Stay home day and I have so much planned in getting done today – paperwork wise. This is where I can get myself in trouble. I set some lofty goals and then come the end of the day when I haven’t hit them all. I get bummed. A little downward spiral. I think it’s important to set these high goals, because I want to push myself to get it all done. BUT – it’s not worth it if I just become grumpy Brent at the end of it all. To help shift me out of this work, work, work mode, I actually have an alarm set on my phone to go off around 3:15pm to begin wrapping it up. It’s AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck”. It sort of clicks me from the work to the “have to” work and I begin wrapping it up for the day in order to get to my family!

Oh – yesterday, I talked about Tim Ferriss and all of his books. BUT – I failed to mention his podcast, which – yes, I do know about and listen to religiously. He just did his 500th episode with Kevin Rose – so congrats to him on that accomplishment. He plans on keeping it going which I’m happy to hear. Also today on the treadmill, I began listening to #501 with his guest, Steven Pressfield. I’ve talked about him before with his book, The War of Art.

I ran! 31 + today + 28 = 60 in a row! Also means 60 videos. Thanks for putting up with me!

“When one teaches, two learn” – Robert Heinlein

morning babble / Sunday 2-28-21

Enjoying some morning beverage out of my Batman mug today. BUT – I have to admit something – it’s not coffee. It’s called MUD\WTR. I used to drink way too much coffee – like some people would ask me “how many cups did you have?” I would answer: “Cups? how about pots?” Anyway, it was bad and MUD\WTR has been an incredible replacement for some of my daily java intake.

Got my the newest Ronin issue from Captain Blue Hen Comics in Newark on Friday. It’s the final one – Issue 5 of 5. I still have to read #4 . . . so, I’m looking forward to digging into that today . . . hopefully. Need some “fun” reading!

More Book talk and, in particular, Tim Ferriss books. He has been an incredible influence on me and I have added him as a G.O.A.T to the Morning Babble Top 5. He joins David Chang and Ryan Holiday. I know, here we are wrapping up February and only 2 months into the year and we already have 3 of the top 5. BUT – I kind of knew that those 3 were on the list. I really don’t have any idea what other ones will be added . . . so, you are all along for the ride. In the meantime, go get some of these Tim Ferriss books:

Goodbye February! Bring on March!!

“”Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.” – Tim Ferriss

morning babble / Saturday 2-27-21

Happy Saturday Morning – no work today . . . at least on the road. I’m home. Enjoyed another episode of WandaVision last night – awesome stuff. And then, my wife and I followed that up with Brian Regan’s Netflix special. If I slip into any Brian Regan-isms . . . I apologize but he’s simply the best and CLEAN! I like some naughty comedy but it is incredible how funny that guy can be while being profanity free.

Answers to 3 questions:

  1. When’s your next 3 day fast? Well, March is Monday and it doesn’t begin then. I will be doing it the follow Monday (3/8) begins after dinner that night.
  2. How many miles have you run so far? Almost 200 miles. I do expect to be running some more once I get outside some more this Spring, Summer, and Fall. Some runners have picked on me for not going outside more. I have no fear of the cold or the rain. BUT – I’m not running outside at 4:30am in the woods. Treadmill is awesome at 4:30am.
  3. Have you used your Mad Libs yet? No, but they will be packed for next weekend. Our family is going away for the weekend. Going to be interesting how the run and vlog happens, but it will. The streak must continue!

James Clear wrote Atomic Habits – haven’t read that yet . . . my wife is still working on it. But, I do receive his weekly email. Go sign up for it here – it’s free! Anyway, what’s written below is taken directly from one of his recent emails. Gave me something to think about:

“For a few weeks, I started each morning by writing “What do I actually want?” at the top of a blank page. It’s surprising how useful it is to keep asking the same question. Each time, my answer became more precise. Once I knew what I wanted, I turned it into action steps.”

So, I haven’t tried it yet, but I am considering, because I could use some more focus and precision on what I’m doing!

“It’s so much better to promote what you love than to bash what you hate”Jessica Alba

morning babble / Friday 2-26-21

Shout out to Jill who saw her band’s sticker – Gingham Shmuz – on my bulletin board. I met Jill back in my college days at the University of Delaware, when we were in a show together. I got to kiss her on the cheek. Sorry Don (husband), but it was in the script! He’s the guitarist by the way. Anyway, they went on to do a ton of shows, some albums, AND they won a slot at X-Fest for WRDX, The Rock of Delaware. They got to perform at the Big Kahuna and say that they opened for The Black Crowes. Very good times!

New Music Friday:

  • Quick note – Daft Punk – the French duo – all gone. Their 1st big hit was from 1995 – Daft Funk. I remember the song they did with Pharrell – “Get Lucky” (2013)
  • Speaking of Pharrell – he’s on the new Blink 182 album – so says Travis Barker. Also, guests are Grimes and Lil Uzi Vert. I’m all in for some new Blink.
  • New Elvis? Sort of – it’s a remix. All you Peloton riding people got to hear it earlier, but now all us treadmill people can enjoy it. “Do the Vega” – A Dillion Francis remix.
  • Hootie & the Blowfish “Only Wanna Be With You” – you got Post Malone covering it.
  • Elle King and Miranda Lambert came out with the love song – “Drunk (and I don’t wanna go home).” Gearing up for post COVID times with that jam.
  • Mentioned last week how Green Day – all three of them – will be getting their own Funko POP figures Well, they just released a new single – “Here Comes the Shock.” Also, somehow, they still plan on doing the Hella Mega Tour with Weezer and Fall Out Boy, that’s tentatively slated to begin later this year. I miss concerts.

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” – Kurt Cobain

morning babble / Thursday 2-25-21

More raw scribble below . . . gotta get to work. The clean-up is coming!!

Happy Friday Eve!

Charcuterie Board blue card – follow up! My wife said that she’ll make one. I win!

Now, I try to make this babble thing upbeat and happy. But – I’m really not trying to only show the pretty things – something that Instagram gets blamed for.

The Daily Stoic – I read this every morning

The Daily Stoic Journal – I write in this every morning and evening.

Big props to my Big Sis who is doing something today that we never would have imagined a year ago. We lost Barry late last year. But – she lost her husband. Officially selling their house today. I’m with you girl.

If you can hug ’em – HUG THEM!!

“Let us greedily enjoy our friends (and family) because we do not know how long this privilege will be ours.” – Seneca

morning babble / Wednesday 2-24-21

This is the raw part of my morning scribble – I’ll clean it up later, but I’m late for work.

Walk into the scene / Weather people on-location / Snow!

Bringing my hat – might get too warm for the winter hat – yes!

I ran!

New Blue Card – Charcuterie Board

meats and cheeses / olives / honey / dips / hot peppers

story from Saturday

Worcestershire – 3 ways to say it?

“My talent is making mistakes and then learning from those mistakes.” – Dave Chang / He’s got a book that I need – memoir – called Eat A Peach

morning babble / Tuesday 2-23-21

I’m sorry, but I failed to mention that it was National Margarita Day yesterday. We recognized it properly here in the Evans household. Yes, I have certainly been enjoying the alcoholic beverage of choice lately as I see April looming closer & closer – still planning on doing the April Draught. Who’s with me?

Yesterday, I explained the 15 minute rule with the alarm and waking up. That’s where if you wake up within 15 minutes of your alarm going off . . . you should just get up. But – I still could not find who said it. I tried again last night.

Anyway, I later remembered some tips about what NOT to do before sleeping at night. It was from Brendon Burchard and goes like this:

  • Three hours before bed — no eating.
  • Two hours before bed — no more work.
  • One hour before bed — no screens.

I ran and a new blue card is coming.

“In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.” – learned about this one in Essentialism by Greg McKeown, but it was Lao Tzu – Ancient Chinese philosopher.

morning babble / Monday 2-22-21

Back at it on a Monday . . . and I sooooooo wasn’t feeling it today either. I had read or heard that if you wake up within 15 minutes of your alarm, you should just get up.  Today, I woke up 20 minutes before the alarm and chose to just lay there.  I probably should have gotten up.  In fact, I know that I should have done that because I laid there awake not doing anything but thinking about getting up. 

Again, I know that I had heard this “15 minutes or less before the alarm – just get up” rule before because I had it written down on my pad.  So, like with anything you’re looking for – I “googled” it.  Ugh, there are so many tips on sleeping.  Too much.  I just know that all people are definitely different.  I mean, 7 to 8 hours is typically what’s needed, but then there are the Jocko Willnick’s in the world . . . who needs 4 or less.  Check out this book of his.

But you know what – I did get up at the alarm. And – I ran! Doing this vlog every day . . . I just can’t imagine having to come on and saying that I didn’t. So, thank you.

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan

morning babble / Sunday 2-21-21

Today is a Smorgasbord of stuff

My Philadelphia Flyers are supposed to play outside today in Lake Tahoe against the Boston Bruins. Game has already been pushed back from 2pm to this evening due to extreme weather of too much sunshine and warmth. Aww – that’s rough. The NHL does miss out on being on network television and to push to another channel – lost money. But – I then heard Gary Bettman (hockey commish) push out this quote “You can’t have success if you don’t risk failure.” Not a huge Bettman fan, but good quote from him.

The Adventures of Mr. Sticky –

I saw on Spotify how one of the guys at Third Man Records (Jack White’s record company) created a Night Bath playlist to listen to at night. But, since I saw it this morning, I tried it out and chilled to it while journaling and reading. I’m excited because I might have a new go-to playlist for my time in the house library. I’m not a fan of silence.

Winston Churchill – The Last Lion – I can’t wait to read this!

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life” – I saw that on Mark Manson’s Instagram post, but it’s Winston Churchill