morning babble: Felt like Chubby Thor while trying to do BJJ again / Epictetus quote

morning babble / Thursday 09-01-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Chubby Thor – that’s sorta what I felt like heading back into BJJ. I’m not – I’m doing okay, but obviously, the body has not been twisted and turned like that in a while. I survived though and everyone was so nice . . . probably because they were thinking “fresh meat.”

By the way, Chubby Thor / I’d still take it. I bet the fans of Chris Hemsworth’s assets were bummed with Chubby Thor. But – with this recent Thor movie, they got hooked up.


122 days until EXIT PLAN

My leg / thigh – Charlie horse spasm during a meeting with a friend yesterday. Thankfully she knows me and I had already explained that I was happy my body survived the morning. But then – wham! I had to stand up for a bit during the meeting. Thankfully, we were at the counter at this place and not at an actual table which would have looked totally awkward.

Talking about journals. My favorites – of journals. My favorites – of book styles. Working on my own journal as well as

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“You are hurt the moment you believe yourself to be.” – by Epictetus

morning babble: Going back to BJJ / Tombstone: I’m your huckleberry!

morning babble / Wednesday 08-31-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Sometimes I just play things at the beginning of the Babble because I think it’s fun. That’s one of my favorite movie scenes of all time. That movie is Tombstone and I love Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.

123 days until EXIT PLAN

Welcome to AMA Wednesday –

Via someone – “Where’s Buddy the Bird?”


Via someone – “When are you getting back to BJJ?”


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“The biggest mistake is you think you have time” – by . . . Jack Kornfield / Buddha sayings

morning babble: We missed you Pumpkin Spice Latte / Quoting Derek Sivers again

morning babble / Tuesday 08-30-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Yup – it’s officially, officially that time of year again. Who’s getting their PSL today from Starbucks? It’s all there – their Fall line-up. Pumpkin Loaf, Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin, and my all-time favorite the Pumkin Scone. Drinks – Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato and, of course, the crack for all coffee drinkers, Pumpkin Spice Latte

Thank you to Maxwell Glick for his Pumpkin Spice tribute song in the beginning there. You can go purchase it by clicking here.

124 days until EXIT PLAN



NEW BOOK – How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion

Derek Sivers does have a podcast but it is inactive now – which means “no new ones for now”. However, all the platforms that carry podcasts should still have it available to give it all a listen. Click here for yourself.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“Actions reveal your real values” – by Derek Sivers – Productivity for Perfectionists

morning babble: Use the “Post-It Note” to help with your Goals / Seth Godin quote

morning babble / Monday 08-29-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Keeping the coffee hot is key to drinking less of it. What?

125 days until EXIT PLAN


Ooooo – I ran. I still have the Plantar Fasciitis, but it’s always more tolerable in the afternoon. So, this past Friday and Saturday afternoon, I ran. Today, I’ll do that as well.

I do have my doctor’s appointment, so I will double check this philosophy with him. Also, ask him about the cortisone shot.

Morning routine is forming in the sense that I won’t be running.

I also have something planned to begin on the 31st – this is going to dictate how my mornings are built, but more on that on Wednesday.

In the meantime, to help you all with goals, you “Post Its” with your goals. You want to do something, write it down and then post it. On the mirror that you look into when brushing your teeth? On the coffee maker? On the steering wheel?

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“Drip by drip makes a wave.” – by Seth Godin

The longer quote: “The first challenge is finding the focus and patience to work on the asynchronized adoption of important ideas. And the second is to not sacrifice the larger goal in a frenzied hustle for the big break. Drip by drip makes a wave.”

Transition to Pumpkin will be made at Dunkin / New Music Friday: Ayron Jones, a Mumford, DJ Khaled /Mel Robbins quote

morning babble / Friday 08-26-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

I have my son with me again to help me at work. Actually, I have to get out of here for some blood work and then work. Probably treat us to some Dunkin afterwards. They stressed that I had to fast for 12 hours and can I do that. Yes. Yes, I can.

I think I’m finally going to make my fall transition from Butter Pecan swirl to the Pumpkin swirl at Dunkin. Years ago, when I visited this one particular Dunkin that was up the street from where we used to live, I got the XL coffee with Pumkin swirl and cream – a lot. So much so, that one day in January, I was presented a jug of the swirl. The staff was so excited to present it to me, but I politely passed on it. I want them to make it for me.

128 days until EXIT PLAN

New Music Friday:

  • We got another new track from that Mumford & Sons guy . . . Marcus. Mr. Mumford shared a new track from his upcoming solo debut. “Better Off High” is the 3rd track release. We already got “Cannibal” and “Grace.” Full self-titled album drops on September 16th.
  • This past Monday, Ayron Jones proclaimed his excitment over the upcoming release of his new single. Today, we got “Filthy” . . . that song he was pumped over. Rightfully so. I’m psyched because I loved his album – Child of the State – which was just released last year. I don’t want to be greedy, but I’ll take some more. No news on a whole new album drop in the future, but a new single is always a good start. Keep going Ayron and happy belated birthday. He turned 36 this past Tuesday. (August 23)
  • The big album release today has to be from DJ Khaled with his 13th studio album: GOD DID. Nearly an hour of music spread out over 18 new songs. All kinds of stars are on it too. You ready? Drake, Kanye, Future, SZA, John Legend – it’s a lot. I hearted that one and will give that a spin on the road today. My son, Elliott is with me too . . . he’s up for it.
  • Another album that I’m going to throw out there that I save to listen to is the combo effort from Roc Marciano & The Alchemist and their album: The Elephant Man’s Bones
  • Lastly, for all you rockers: Muse: Will of the People

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“Stop waiting for Friday. For summer. For someone to fall in love with you. For life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.” – by Mel Robbins

Pumpkin Spice OREOS/ “Enjoy the Now” with The House of William and Merry / Marcus Aurelius quote

morning babble / Thursday 08-25-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!


Pumpkin Spice OREOS! All gone. My mom delivered them as a treat for the family. My two kid vultures found them. So, I had to enjoy them today for breakfast.

129 days until EXIT PLAN

Enjoy the Now!

House of William and Merry in Hockessin

Pork Belly / Cheese Board / Steak / Scallops

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“The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.” – by Marcus Aurelius

Enjoy Automatic Windows/ AMA – racing, plantar fasciitis, meditating, challenge/ Derek Sivers quote

morning babble / Wednesday 08-24-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

We are not getting another dog – that picture wasn’t anything about that. No – today I have my son, Elliott, with me and it reminded me of the last time we worked together. The vehicle I drive for work is older and doesn’t have automatic windows. He pointed to the handle and asked in shock – “is this how you open the window?” Yup.

Quick follow up on yesterday – Tuesday. I pushed through. Got it done.

I also received the new book from Derek Sivers – How To Live – very excited about this one. Simple. Quick. But, so insightful! It seems to be a book that I wish I should have written.

130 days until EXIT PLAN

Welcome to AMA Wednesday –

“Are you going to do a race again?” – Not sure. The plantar fasciitis is still there, but manageable. I walked a mile today on the mill. I was hoping to flash this card today, but I was afraid to push. Not making excuses. Listening to my body.

“Are you still meditating or do you just like your sign?” – Ha. I like my sign. I did meditate today. I have not been meditating enough though. Trying to figure out that morning routine. Might have a rotating morning schedule for Monday through Friday. I’ve got something possibly brewing for next week – now or never.

“What’s the next challenge?” – I need to write. Maybe I get back at this?

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“To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.” – by Derek Sivers

Podcast Tuesday with Derek Sivers / Tough Tuesday Push / Frank Herbert quote

morning babble / Tuesday 08-23-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Mini goals accomplished yesterday / 2 minutes cold shower at the end / Worked out this morning – that’s twice for the week. Hoping to run tomorrow. Tuesday though. That’s the day that messes me up.

131 days until EXIT PLAN


NEW BOOK – How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion


Derek Sivers does have a podcast but it is inactive now – which means “no new ones for now”. However, all the platforms that carry podcasts should still have it available to give it all a listen. Click here for yourself.

Please subscribe on YouTube and spread the Babble wherever you can – Thank you!

“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.” – by Frank Herbert

Doggie Name Origins / Goal Setting Monday with the Forest App / James Clear quote (or question)

morning babble / Monday 08-22-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Happy Monday – Thank you to everyone for reaching about our little Brodie-man. He will be missed. We went away this weekend and did have a wonderful time at LBI with friends and family. Our other little dog – Charlie – was a little confused though. In fact, last night, we were back at our house and he began crying in his bed where he and Brodie used to sleep together. I scooped him up and put him in bed with my wife and I.

Fun stuff – Brodie was named after Jason Lee’s character in Kevin Smith’s film – Mallrats.

Charlie was named after the name my Pop-pop gave everyone when he didn’t remember your name. He would just call them Charlie.

132 days until EXIT PLAN


Accomplishments –

I ran this past weekend / I still have Plantar Fasciitis / But, I ran and the foot did not get worse. Goal for this week is to work out 4x again.

Week ahead –

Use this Forest App / Plant a tree – work for 25 minutes straight without touching your phone. If someone calls, you can allow it. But – no texting / no looking things up on it.

Actually – after 25 minutes straight, I do 25 jumping jacks and push-ups.

The goal overall is 5 to 6 of these sessions.

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Here’s a simple question to ask before jumping into “all the work” you have to do: What will happen if I don’t do this? – by James Clear

New Music Friday: RHCP / Anitta / Old Sea Brigade / The Last “Where’s Brodie” / Anthony Kiedis quote

morning babble / Friday 08-19-22

This is the scribble that leads to the babble. Sometimes, it gets tidied up; but other times, not so much. When all else fails: watch the video!

Welcome Friday!

3-Day Fast officially over! Last night on Instagram, I posted about having a beer via Dogfish Head and wings via our nearby pizza place – Valle’s. Wonderful. I didn’t make it to ice cream date – couldn’t do it. But that’s okay. I paced myself with the wings to satisfy the belly and not overdo it. That’s never fun.

135 days until EXIT PLAN

Sad news to deliver later

New Music Friday:

  • Coming out next Friday (the 25th), we’re going to get the new deluxe edition album of Versions of Me from the Brazilian pop superstar – Anitta. A couple days ago, she dropped a video with the one and only Missy Elliott. The song “Lobby” will be included on this new deluxe album, but today we can hear the song and watch the video. (clip) That’s Anitta and then you have Missy (another clip). And she makes me naughty smile. That’s a fun song. You can go back to revisit the Anitta album Versions of Me, but the deluxe one with the “Lobby” song – next Friday.
  • Several weeks ago, the Red Hot Chili Peppers announced another new studio album: Return of the Dream Canteen coming out on October 14th. I had fully expected a new song with that announcement, but was totally wrong. Today though, they finally delivered one as well as a new video (clip) Anothony Kiedis looking like Moe from the 3 Stooges (clip) Anyway, that song is called “Tippa My Tongue” – a lot of sex talk in there – hidden creatively – not as in your face as “Suck My Kiss.” Today – “Tippa My Tongue” / Oct 14th – the whole album, Return of the Dream Canteen
  • Last night at midnight, K-pop superstars Blackpink released “Pink Venom,” their lead single off the upcoming album, Born Pink, which is out in its entirety on September 16th. Also, last night their video dropped (Video). They’re fit individuals. Anyway – When I last checked over 35 million views already. Since midnight last night. Looks like I’m taking second place.
  • Finally, let’s chill it out some with one of my favorites to relax to: Old Sea Brigade. The guy behind it all is Ben Cramer. I’ve enjoyed all his past albums. Currently though, he seems to be slowly releasing song by song his new album 5AM Paradise which is due out in its entirety on October 28th. Today, we get “Monochrome” which appears to be the 4th song from this upcoming new album. He did a video too. I’ll provide a link.

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“This Life is More than Just a read through.” – by Anthony Kiedis