Happy Anniversary, Lauren – you still there? / 6 months of running! / Top 5 Tips – so far

morning babble / Wednesday 06-30-21

Anniversary Day! Happy Anniversary, Lauren! 14 years – I just checked too, she’s still here.

The Short – my wife read it and I got the edits. Need to put those in. I have to catch up with Cecil now too – who’s also read it, again. Posting later today. “Banging the Door!”

Like I said, we have a wonderfully romantic evening planned at a swim meet. We’ll be watching the Medley Relay, 50 Fly, and the ever popular at the very end of the meet, Free Relay. AND – we were notified last night that this pool (it’s an “away” meet) has zero shade. So, if you have a tent, bring it! What? I want to meet the whiz bang of a designer that came up with this genius idea. A pool with no shade? Not everybody goes into the pool at once, you know! I’m sorry, that’s being negative. But please know that it’s suppose to feel like 104 today along with our humidity. Happy Melting!

31 Days of Cold Showers – begins tomorrow. I typically shower at night, so there won’t be too many times that I do this vlog without a shower yet for the day.

I ran! 6 months done – 181 days! Friday is the official halfway point though. Remember – 366 days is the goal.

5 Best Tips Given this Year, so far (my list)

  1. Journal!
  2. Untie those running shoes the night before and put within each shoe the sock to be worn
  3. Peanut Butter on top of your jelly donut
  4. Flossing in the shower
  5. How to say Worcestershire Sauce and Charcuterie Board!

“In every good marriage, it helps sometimes to be a little deaf” – by Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Got a mic! / A Christmas Story reference/ Stan Lee quote

morning babble / Tuesday 06-29-21

Tuesday – just Tuesday. Got a microphone. Actually – I’ve had the microphone, but it never worked with my older iPhones. But this recent one – it’s working. Tomorrow’s my wedding anniversary. We have a real romantic swim meet to attend. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

I ran – 180 runs / 180 babbles

Cold shower calendar – 31 days in July. I’m going to have my daughter mark it off for me. Whether it’s a crooked looking X or a sticker or “artwork” – she’ll mark off my days. I’m also working on my rules, too. Obviously – every day. I think I’m doing cold water beginning to end. Minimum 5 minutes under the water. What else is there?

Still doing my shirt drawer clean-out. I got a couple shirts that have been given the boot altogether. Others have been demoted and sent to the sleeping attire drawer. Today – I got one of my favorite shirts – “My life story will be a good one.” I’m trying! Oooooo – I edited down the short that I’m writing and submitted it to my wife as well as Cecil. I was really flowing with the words, too. It sort of felt like Ralphie in A Christmas Story – whatever it was he needed to write – a theme? Anyway. The short could be posted very, very soon.

ALSO – TOMORROW – My 5 Best Tips Given this Year . . . so far. My List.

“That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed, without a doubt, a real superhero” – by Stan Lee

Almost 1/2 way there! / Next G.O.A.T. – Goggins or Godin or Solo? / Daily Stoic reading

morning babble / Monday 06-28-21

Back at it on a Monday, I ran! Imagine that. 179 runs / 179 vlogs

On Wednesday – 6 months will be done but it won’t be half way yet – that’s Friday with 183 days. Back to Wednesday though, I’ll pass along what I thought were my 5 Best Tips Given this Year . . . so far. My List.

Who’s the next one to be added to the Morning Babble Top 5 G.O.A.T. list. We already have David Chang / Ryan Holiday / Tim Ferriss – so, 2 slots remain. Will it be David Goggins? Maybe a throwback to Ben Franklin? Another author – Seth Godin? Or even, Han Solo?

I wrote last night! “Banging the Door” has been ended and a better ending was added / I like sleeping on it which I did. Today, I’ll do more of a read through. I like reading them aloud to myself and walking around or being outside on my deck or front porch. Then, I’ll run it by my wife and Cecil one last time. In the meantime, I do have two other shorts that you can read. It’s listed under “Droplet of Life”.

Read a story from the Daily Stoic from this past Saturday (6/26) – don’t let the little things get to you! Watch that video below.

Furious/curious – They rhyme, but they have opposite meanings. It’s very difficult to feel both emotions at the same time, and one is far more productive than the other. – via the daily email from Seth Godin. Click here to sign up.

Books on a Sunday: Corbin Reiff, David Chang, Trevor Noah/ “Warming up” for the cold shower routine

morning babble / Sunday 06-27-21

Still need to tidy up this scribble – sorry, but I had to get on the road!

Batman mug of MUD\WTR beverage. Speaking of Batman, I was hoping to flash the new Batman comic from Garth Ennis today, but . . . I haven’t gotten to Captain Blue Hen in Newark. It’s just sitting there . . . waiting for me.

I ran – 178 runs / 178 babbles.

Took a cold shower yesterday too. Beginning to end. Gearing up for the full month of July – 31 days.

Books on a Sunday!

  • I finished the audiobook The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin audiobook of “The Art of Learning”. Wonderful book. Thoroughly enjoyed his story of chess as a boy. And then how those philosophies helped him later with Tai Chi and eventually becoming a Push Hands Champion. Today, he holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu too. It’s an audiobook that I think I’ll find myself going back to certain chapters and re-listening. It was all very inspiring.
  • Next up for audiobooks – Trevor Noah – Born a Crime – just under 9 hours / Beastie Boys and Russell Brand are waiting for their upcoming turn.

“There is no normal life, there’s just life. Get on with it. – by John Henry Holliday aka Doc Holliday

AMA Saturday / Cold shower challenge coming – 31 days – take that Matt D’Avella & Nathaniel Drew

morning babble / Saturday 06-26-21

I’ve got my bacon smelling black tea – Lapsang Souchong. This morning, I was little all over the place. I just didn’t feel like running yet. So, I read a little, reviewed some videos, polished off the oatmeal breakfast in cookie form option (dammit). Nevertheless I finally got my butt onto the mill and ran – 177 runs.

AMA Saturday:

  • Question #1 – When do we get that short? Cecil and I chatted – I’ve got tweaks to do – all good and I’m very excited to get it done. I’d say easily before 7/1.
  • Question #2 – Are you really doing that cold shower thing? Yes. I’m not going to do the 20 day challenge from Wim Hof – that helps you ease into it over the course of the month. I’ll do that this week and lead up to July 1st. After reviewing Matt D’Avella’s “I took cold showers for 30 days” video as well as Nathaniel Drew’s “30 Days of Cold Showers: Not What I Was Expecting” video, I’ve concluded that I’ll do it every day in July for 31 days! Ha! Okay – not that earth shattering, plus Drew spoke with somebody that did it for 365 days – not doing that. I’m just still trying to work out how I’ll do the video, which will be separate from this daily vlog. I’m not a fan of showing too much pasty white skin for everyone AND I don’t think that there are too many fans of that either. So – I’m thinking. But – one thing is for sure – 31 days and I’ll report on it daily here.
  • Questions #3 – When’s your next 3 day fast? Begins Monday night, July 12th – pushed it back a week. With the 4th of July weekend, I want to make sure that I have the option of enjoying some food and beverage without the worry of crashing into the 3 day fast.

“Mistakes are the dues one pays for a full life.” – by Sofia Lauren

Get better Mark Hoppus! / INXS concert tee / New Music Friday with Da Baby, Eve6 & Pink Laundry

morning babble / Friday 06-25-21

It’s Friday, got my MUD on, got my oatmeal for breakfast in cookie form going, and wearing my sexy tough Michael Hutchence shirt! Ha – it’s from the INXS tour for their X album which came out in late 1990. That’s the one with Suicide Blonde / Disappear / Bitter Tears / By My Side. There’s another song on that album that is the one I’ve been writing to – it’s my one song playlist for writing. For this concert, I went to the Spectrum in Philly to see them. Soup Dragons were supposed to open but their lead singer had laryngitis that night. You remember them, right – I’m Free, Divine Thing, hmmmm . . . what happened to them Anyway – the Shirt Drawer Clean-out continues and the INXS shirt is obviously staying.

I talk a lot about Blink 182 because I really like Blink 182. Tom DeLonge and his Angels & Airwaves are coming out with new music, Travis Barker dating a Kardashian or a Jenner, but sad new with Mark Hoppus. Wednesday night, he took to social media and announced his fight with cancer. Apparently, treatment has been going on AND he’s got several months ahead still. Sending good vibes to Mark Hoppus. This dude has made me smile way too much and it just saddens me to hear about what he needs to go through – keep fighting, Mark. Enjoy the NOW people!!!

New Music Friday:

  • First Up – Have you heard Miley Cyrus covering Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters”. It’s available to hear. Sir Elton John is on it too with her. More Metallica covers are coming too. Over 50 artists of all shapes, sizes, and flavors will be singing their favorite Metallica song on a tribute album that comes out September 10th. It’s called the Metallica Blacklist with proceeds going to over 50 charities.
  • Tyler, the Creator – his new album, Call Me If You Get Lost, is out today, 16 tracks. Some are really really short and quick, like a minute. But – there are a couple pushing over 8 minutes. I’ve only had one listen through – still digging into it.
  • DaBaby has just released his new track, “Red Light Green Light.” New project must be dropping soon – rumor has it that the album could titled D4. Last week, it was “Ball If I Want To” and now this. There’s a flute in there too. Maybe Jethro Tull. Maybe not.
  • Our Lady Peace has a new single out – “Stop Making Stupid People Famous” / I don’t know what they’re doing. Hoping for more new stuff – that’d be nice.
  • Eve 6 – Their EP Grim Value is out – 5 songs. We already had a couple of them. Today though – they are pushing “I wanna bite your face” – it’s a love song
  • Pink Laundry released a new single today – “Rocketship Millionaire”. I keep watching them to see what happens. Back on March 12th, I reported about listening to “Seasonal Depression” by Pink Laundry. Who’s that? Let me tell. Judah and the Lion – they had a great album back in 2019. Then COVID. Lead singer, Judah Akers, has been home and creating stuff. This is him – Pink Laundry.

“The past is only the future with the lights on.” – by Mark Hoppus

Friday Eve with MUD\WTR / Russell Brand on podcast of Wim Hof / Cold shower time!

morning babble / Thursday 06-24-21

Scribble scribble scribble leads to babble babble babble.

Happy Friday Eve! I got my MUD\WTR. Little mug of it today, since I do have to get on the road for my job. But – I’m digging it in this little mug, too.

Little tougher running today because my man, Larry Jones, was/is in town. Leaves actually today. Great seeing that dude. Arizona is lucky. Anyway – it was late. I had a beverage. So, my alarm laughed at me this morning. I did punch it a couple times with snooze – shouldn’t have done that, but I eventually got up and won the morning.

On the mill – 175th run / now, 175th babble!

I was listening to Wim Hof’s podcast. His very first interview – he had on Russell Brand – that’s rough. Two very unique speakers in how they spit out their words and dialogue. Russell – I’ve read 2 of his books. My Booky Wook and My Booky Wook 2. My wife has read Recovery and actually loaned that one out. She’s still in Revolution. And now, he has an Audible Original – Revelation. That could be next after my Josh Waitzkin book that I’m listening to. Russell Brand, Trevor Noah, or the Beastie Boys.

Oh – I think I’ll talk about this more on Saturday – Cold Shower Challenge. I think I’m going there. Timer/Thermometer has been ordered for the shower.

Matt D’avella – I took cold showers for 30 days. Watch Here.

“When someone says ‘Don’t Do That,’ I still think ‘Why?’ ” – by Russell Brand

It’s called “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins -get it/ Clean-A-Tank: aquariums, not septic/ Pig tips

morning babble / Wednesday 06-23-21

A lot of scribble but the babble video is exquisite.

Trouble getting comfortable on the mill today. Bailed on 3 of my favorite podcasts to listen to. Then I remembered the one song run playlist. “I Feel So” by Box Car Racer

Oh – on Sunday, I talked about the David Goggins book without mentioning the name of the book – Can’t Hurt Me. I mean, there’s only one. Couldn’t imagine another one like it. Great audio book.

Josh Waitzkin – The Art of Learning – got through his chess years, now into Tai Chi, which then leads to him being Push Hands champion. His dad wrote the book that led to the movie – Searching for Bobby Fischer.

I give tips to keep pigs healthy in the summer . . . in the video – really.

“You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true potential.” – by David Goggins

Not Wednesday yet/ Trust the Morning Routine/ Jocko Willink reading & Fabienne Fredrickson quote

morning babble / Tuesday 06-22-21

“blah, blah, blah” – That’s what I actually have within my outline for a day’s entry. Then, every day, I erase it and write something like this. Today, I left it there. That’s how I’m feeling – blah. Dig deep on these days.

Also, I thought it was Wednesday at first. But then realized it was Tuesday. It’s a bummer when it’s backwards like that, but so awesome when you think it’s Monday and learn it’s Tuesday! Unfortunately – that didn’t just happen.

Trust your Morning Routine to kick it into gear!

I read from the Jocko Willink book: Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Page 48 – “Not Feeling It”

Today is great day to go watch that video below . . . limited scribble, I’m sorry.

“The day you plant the seed isn’t the day you eat the fruit. – by Fabienne Fredrickson

Remembering Father’s Day / Oatmeal in Cookie Form for Breakfast / Dr. Seuss quote – maybe?

morning babble / Monday 06-21-21

Back at it on a Monday and I didn’t wanna. And you know what – that’s okay. But – you still gotta do it. That’s the difference from being 5 years old and all grown up.

Its was a wonderful Father’s Day / I received a card from my daughter with another “I love ‘yo’ Dad” in it / Got to see my Dad for an early morning java / My wife made an incredible brunch for her dad and I at our place. No, we didn’t have a Charcuterie Board, but I totally won with the brunch that was had. We were stuffed and just sat all afternoon. We then bailed on our dinner idea, but then rallied for a dessert dinner. I got this $11 Peanut Butter Fudge Milkshake. I powered through it.

On that note – I ran! 172 runs / babbles

Still doing the 50 / 50 /50 – but, a new “fresh” card was needed. Post-it died .

Lastly, Cecil has the short I wrote – Banging the Door! And he’s not talking to me. No – I sent it to him last night and any Sixers fan doesn’t really have kind things to say after that disaster on the court. Hey, maybe we don’t have to watch Ben Simmons brick those free throws anymore. I did like Cecil’s comment of “Sixers in 9”

Go have your oatmeal in cookie form today!

“Don’t cry because it’s over, but because it happened” – by Dr. Seuss . . . or someone